Monday, February 26, 2007

Doesn't that just scare the heck out of you??? She's a pretty creepy kitty. (but cute.)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Picture of the Day!

I have decided to do something new. As you can see on the title, it will be a picture or video of the day or week. I hope you guys will like this because I will be posting something at least every other day.

Check it out:

Please, don't ask.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Alright. I'm finally doing a post so you should all be proud of me. JK.

Well, I now have Science in school and we are learning about cells. We had to make a model for a cell and bring it to class today. Almost everyone made cakes... including me.

Mine didn't look so well because I put some things on there that should never be on a chocolate cake.

It's a really gross looking cake right? Am I right? Well here's some idea of what I put on it:
~ Fettuccini
~ Kidney Beans
~ Mustard Seeds
~ And some Goodies
along with other things. The wetness of the noodles melted the icing sugar and chocolate icing.
Now, it's not my fault that the cake had pasta on it or any other gross things. I couldn't find anything else. (I'm really sorry Ange)