Friday, April 28, 2006

6 Weird Things About Me

1. Like my sister (Dayna) I have a scary laugh. I start laughing normally but when I laugh really hard I can't breathe for a long time and the way people know I'm laughing is when I let out a really high pitched squeal. It's really weird.

2. Most of the time after I come home from school I put my pjamies on right away. I don't know why, Its just that I feel more comfortable in them.

3. I CANNOT sleep in socks! It is soo uncomfortable. I hate it!

4. I kiss and hug my cats good-night before my parents. (No offense mom)

5. I have to do logic puzzles before I sleep or else I can't fall asleep.

6. My mom and I eat raisin Bran, Yogurt, and sliced up bananas. Most people think its gross but its really good.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My Dress

I GOT A DRESS!!!!!!!!

It's for a grade seven grad walk-down thing. It's really, really pretty. I love it sooo much. It's a black dress( I know, I know not very summery) and it has lime green accents and embroidery. I'll post a picture of it soon. I love it alot!


I'm just getting used to blooging so if you could get used to me doing that, like, every blog that would be great!

So.. back to teeth. I went to the dentist today(again) I'm really bad with my teeth but i'm getting better... I think... it's soooo annoying getting fillings. I hate it! That's it thanx for listening LOL!


Dayna, mom, and I went to the Sechelt thrift store on Saturday and got this really big basket for the cats to sleep in (there we go again.. cats!) and when we got home mom looks at the basket and says Moses. I asked her what she meant and she said that she wanted to call the cat we are getting Moses. She doesn't really like the name Alfonzo because it's too formal, she says. So we are going to change it to Moses (I like that name alot better! Chad doesn't really approve that name because he was the one who named him at first). O well! I'm so excited!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Obsession

CATS! I've been talking about getting our new kitten for a long time(May 20) and I just realised that I talk about my cats sooo much! I am really obsessed! By the way... the new cats name is Alfonzo(the boys named him) the kitten that we got in November is Chloe & the cat that Riley(my step-dad) brought is Buck and I love them all sooo much! Well... thats that.


Hey, peoples! I've started a blog and I hope you check it out sometime. If I don't update it please don't get mad I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet.